Chosenbydestiny emphasizes the same discipline and fundamentals of life to initiate harmony between all forms of art. Basically, we record the world’s finest moments that can never ever be re-captured the same exact way. With these resources, we are also able to create our own versions of a never ending masterpiece.

Updated: January 1st, 2009
And a little extra from one of the founders:
When we shoot your weddings, we are more than just a wedding service. We are a part of the family, we are there to capture the moments that you share. We put family first, always. We like to fit in with the crowd and make sure that everyone is comfortable around us so that all of the happiness that is shared in the photos are as natural as possible. We love what we do, and it has loved us back by giving us the opportunity to work with you. Thank you.
When we shoot models, we do more than fashion and glamour. We shoot personality. If we've chosen to shoot with you, it's because we foresee a very professional result through your enthusiasm. We will not put our work above us or above you. Because people should always be above their work, that is how it is truly enjoyed. Now, about the creative direction... we are not bossy at all, but we will say something when we know a bad shot can be prevented. (spinach in your teeth, hair in your face in the wrong place, etc) You have the freedom to give your two cents on creative direction and we will not waste any time arguing about it. You have every right to bring an escort of some sort, make-up artist or hair stylist (tell us in advance if you need one), etc if you wish, of course. Just don't bring an army or we might not be able to breathe. Our only two issues are location and time. We have an extremely busy schedule at times and won't be able to adhere a proper itinerary on the fly. But we will be able to book days in advance, respectively. We are commonly known for vibrant colors, but with a darker mood to it. But are not ignorant of everything else, so do not think that we might not try something new with you. Think of our collaboration as a pot luck for ideas. We bring it all to the table, and come to a delectable compromise.
Thank you,
- Ryan
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